we all have a story; here’s ours
Story of SALT

It is not uncommon for people to ask what the name SALT represents, and we love these conversations! We begin with sharing that SALT’s story has its roots in the phrase of someone being “salt of the earth” or “worth their weight in salt”, describing a person whose nature and character is full of goodness, honesty, integrity and immense value. But why salt? In today’s world, it is easy to overlook the importance and impact of salt. We most often give it credit for enhancing the flavor of our food, but we have forgotten the richness of its purpose and history. This granule of simplicity holds properties that have been valued and sought after for centuries. So much so that, with a little research, you will find how salt has played an essential role in historical, metaphorical, and spiritual contexts.

This particular salt metaphor is found in the scriptures of Matthew when Jesus calls to his followers “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” (Matthew 5:13) A reminder that as followers of Christ we are called to have a positive impact and enrich the lives of those around us, through actions that reflect Jesus’s nature and the difference he makes in one’s life. But we have to be careful to not allow our surroundings to negatively influence our lives, leading us away from Christ. Doing so takes from our value and we become blended into the fallen world around us.
With this scripture as the foundation for SALT’s worldview, we believe that all people are valuable and deserving of having an ally to help them restore hope and enhance the quality of their life. Our therapists provide a therapeutic approach using evidence-based practices from the science of psychology and a biblical framework to help balance grace and truth. We do not require anyone seeking services to be of any specific faith, religion, or spirituality, and are respectful of a person’s decision to include or not include a Christian framework into their counseling experience.
all are welcome here
SALT is a safe place for people of all walks and perspectives. We put priority on making each person feel welcomed, comfortable, and accepted. We want you to choose if and how you would like to incorporate your personal faith or spirituality into your counseling experience with SALT. SALT’s worldview will never infringe upon your value system, but it’s an integral part of how we see ourselves.